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Why is Conversion Optimization Important

Websites nowadays are drifting away from the single visit experience. It’s more and more important to get the conversion of a repeat customer, regardless of your website type—content-based, e-commerce or even a business site. The foundation of conversion optimization is the ability to convert a sporadic visitor into a recurrent visitor.

While the core concept behind conversion optimization is straightforward, implementation on your website can be a different story. Unlike SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and call-to-actions, the key to each website’s correct conversion optimization strategy comes down to trial and error. Below are some key areas that can be helpful in the improvement of your site’s conversion.

What is Conversion Optimization?

Conversion Optimization is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that converts into customers, or more generally, takes any desired action on a webpage. 

Neil Patel
  • PRIMARY CALL TO ACTION (CTA) – A call-to-action asks visitors to take a specific action on your site.  This might be to purchase, contact you, learn more, and so on, it begs an action. Every site needs at least one effective CTA in a noticeable place.
  • LEAD CAPTURE FORMS – An intuitive form will help you capture high-quality lead information.  At the very least, it will obtain an email address from visitors who aren’t interested in receiving a call.
  • TRUST FACTORS AND TESTIMONIALS – Trust factors—such as awards, affiliations, certifications, case studies, and testimonials—help position your business as knowledgeable experts who can be relied on. These trust factors are sometimes called “proof points” because they prove to your visitor that you know what you’re talking about and can be trusted.
  • EASY TO FIND CONTACT INFORMATION – Your website should display your phone number, email, or a way in which the visitor can contact you. This should be displayed in a prominent place—for example, in the top right corner or in the mobile header—to make it easy for web visitors to contact you.
  • A CLEAR AND COMPELLING “UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION”. – Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) clearly describes how your product or service solves your customer’s needs or desires better than the competition. Here’s an example USP formula to get you started: We are a _______ who help _______ with _______. And _______ distinguishes us from our competitors.

These key areas are all part of the website assessment our team uses when evaluating a website’s conversion optimization.  Optimizing your website’s conversions can go even further.  Factors such as color choices, image choices, and web page copy can all play an important role.  It’s all about gaining the prospect’s attention and creating the motivation to do something including visit your site again and again.

Remember, at the end of the day, the key to conversion optimization is to motivate the visitor to do something including visit your site again. 

This post is a part of the website audit series posted by RadiateU using the aggregated data with hundreds of data points from the many site audits conducted by the site audit team. You can view other posts with valuable tips to improve your website.

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