Jeremy Saxey presenting at Eth Denver in front of an audience about the Rocket School project.

Rocket School’s Team Presentation with Juxta

Juxta Presents at ETHDenver ETHDenver is an annual conference and hackathon that brings together developers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from the Ethereum and blockchain community. It’s a bustling event where new ideas are shared, projects are showcased, and collaborations are formed, all to advance the Ethereum ecosystem. At ETHDenver 2024, Juxta presented an exciting educational project…

Geometric shapes symbolizing decentralization

Defi vs Cefi vs TradFi

DeFi stands for “Decentralized Finance”, CeFi stands for “Centralized Finance”, TradFi stands for “Traditional Finance” TradFi is what we are all familiar with: banks. We already get it. Enough said. CeFi is institutional, in the context of crypto, it would be companies like Coinbase. You link your bank account and exchange traditional money for cryptocurrency….